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Well, I couldn’t get the stroller I wanted. My babies are doing great. However, I ended up looking at a bunch ofย  cheap double strollers from a local webstore. Sorry, but life is really hard. And what did you want me to do? Splurge? Oh well. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ As much as I would like to spend a lot on this kind of thing, I don’t have enough money.

Doncha Love Babies???

My friend Sandy just opened up yet another family blog (yes, us young parents love to put up these blogs). I think the general theme is to chronicle our own adventures with our own children.

We really just can’t stop talking about them and rather than bother people or annoy them by constantly talking about our kids it makes better sense to write it all down. At least later on, we can come back to it and read what we’ve written. I really enjoy taking care of my kid. It’s a nasty job. It’s a really dirty job. You get little sleep and no thanks but at the end of the day, nothing is really as fulfilling as this. So how do you take care of your babies? I’d like to write a new article sometime soon but this flu is really bothering me and I’ve been really swamped at work but I appreciate anything you might say. Share your own little story or adventure. Don’t worry. Parents like listening to another parent’s story as long as you listen to us in return. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, more later.

I’m looking for a double jogger stroller

My wife and her friends seem to like going around together and sometimes they like to take care of each other’s babies when one of them has to go out for some “me” time. Unfortunately for them, they end up with two infants that they have to tote around all the time. My lovely missus’ suggestion now is to get a double jogger stroller for her so that she can use this to get back into shape when doing nothing more than taking care of two different children. Sounds really dopey but whatever keeps her happy makes me happy, although I’ve been checking around for the prices of strollers lately and there seems to be a huge selection of them and they don’t come cheap. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I think this’ll make a great topic for another post….best options for the double strollers. I don’t know if I’m actually going to be buying one soon. It’s not a top priority. There are other bills to pay.

I miss my baby.

Haven’t seen my kid for two weeks now. Somehow, a web cam does not seem to do justice to the quiet majesty of holding your child in your arms and making him laugh his cute little ass off. Maybe I will see him next week. Have to book at ticket soon. I’ll try to post something more useful later. Right now, let’s call this an Emo Bridge Post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

How to Pack for a Vacation

Let’s start my family blog with something that’s close to my heart at the moment, since summer is fast approaching and I’m in the midst of planning some vacations…
Packing is always tough. Everybody seems to want to travel but not many people are willing to invest some serious time to do their packing. This is especially hard for someone like me with a family of 6. I always have to coax people to NOT pack at the last minute and get things done early. Anyway, over the years, here are some of the things I’ve learned:

1) Clothes appropriate for the clime. If it’s cold, leave the shorts at home and if it’s tropical, heavy jackets are best left in the closet.
2) Sarongs are multiprurpose!
3) Put on your heaviest shoes and check the flip flops. Bring 3 at most. ๐Ÿ™‚
4) A good phone (if you like fancy ones like I do) will do the work of a watch, cellphoen and a lot of other things.
5) Bring emergency medicine for simple problems like allergies.
6) Leave the jewelry at home! There’s no real use for it on vacation unless you want to show off and leave yourself a target for a mugging.

I’ve got some more, I’ll continue this later!